On 27th and 28th January and 7th and 8th February 2022 it took place the third training about the Radio Theater project, whose name was “Radio Performance Training”. The workshop was done entirely online, on Zoom platform, and it focused on some important topics for the project: the value of social communication, the history of radio, the difference between radio and podcast and how are they related and the development of a podcast series pilot episode.

In the first day, the focus was principally on communication: the participants learnt how it works and what is the real meaning of the social communication; then, the participants learnt some notions about the radio and the podcasts: what they are, the genres, what they could do. The last part of the day was dedicated to team building activities and the time scheduling, both essential for working in a team production. The second day was focused on the concept of “broadcast clock” (a template that displays a radio or television’s hourly format in a graphical representation of a clock), including an exercise where the participants had to build their own clock. After this, the participants learnt precious details about the equipment used in a recording studio and tried to focus on vocalization, breathing and spelling exercises. The last part of the day was dedicated to an exercise whose propose was to introduce the participants to the podcast dimension: they had to simulate an interview, working together in separated groups, and talking about given topics. The third day was focused on music: the first part was dedicated to the difference between live and edited podcasts (including some examples); in the second part of the day, the participants learnt how to use royalty free platforms existing on web and discovered how to relate music to emotions, choosing the perfect soundtrack for their podcasts and keeping in mind how rhythm and synchronization are crucial issues for adapting the music to the speaking part. The last day started with the presentation of two case studies: an example of local edited podcast (Palermo Centro Tau ANG in Radio- Iammonline podcasts) compared to a local live one (ANG in Radio – CEIPES – Youth is in the air) and an international narrative podcast (Invisibilia).

The great part of the day focused on the final exercise: the participants had to simulate a pilot episode of a live podcast working in group and using all the notions learnt during the previous days of training. The exercise lasted one hour and a half.

The training was an important opportunity to learn new things and to test ourselves in making a podcast from scratch. Podcasts are becoming more and more popular nowadays and are a useful tool to be able to express our opinions and talk about passions, topics and news with the possibility of listening to the episodes on demand.

The experience was precious and fun, but instructive as well: everyone gave a contribute to make these days unforgettable.

Read more about the project on its official pages: Instagram and Facebook.

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